
(b. 1593, Pisa, d. 1630, Pisa)


Italian painter. He studied first with the modest Pisan painter Ranieri Borghetti (1609-1636) and then with Aurelio Lomi (1556-1622); no works from this first period survive. He then moved to Rome, where his admiration for Orazio Gentileschi, Domenichino and Bartolomeo Manfredi suggests that he probably arrived there between 1610 and 1620. He was certainly there by the beginning of 1620, for in March of that year he was commissioned by Curzio Ceuli, Master of Works of Pisa Cathedral, to paint Samson Killing the Philistines for the apse of the Cathedral (in situ). He painted also the Assumption of the Virgin (completed posthumously by his brother Girolamo) for the cathedral of Pisa. He died of the plague in 1630. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter R
Artist nationality Italian