RAGGI, Antonio

RAGGI, Antonio


(b. 1624, Vico Morcote, d. 1686, Roma)


Italian sculptor who was one of Bernini's chief collaborators for about thirty years; he worked first for Algardi, but by 1647 he was working for Bernini, like Ferrata. He made the Danube for the fountain in Piazza Navona (1650-51) and worked on many other of Bernini's great undertakings. On his own he made the Santa Cecilia in Sant'Agnese (166-67), the Baptism in San Giovanni dei Fiorentini (c. 1665) and the huge stucco decoration accompanying Baciccio's painting in the Gesù. (The stucco figures are so brilliantly combined with the painted decoration that from the ground it is not always possible to tell which is which.) //

Category Artists
Artists by letter R
Artist nationality Italian