
(b. 1731, Paris, d, 1790, Paris)


French cabinetmaker (master ébéniste). He began his career in the suburb of St. Antoine as an apprentice to the famed Migeon, and later established himself in the Marais, rue Michel-Lecomte, where he remained until his death. A majority of his works were executed in the Transition and Louis XVI period and adorned with superb quality marquetry depicting vases, cups and other vessels. Similar marquetry is found on works by his distinguished brother-in-law, Roger Vandercruse, dit Lacroix (R.V.L.C.) and Charles Topino, suggesting that all three ébéniste may have used the same talented marqueteur. By 1765, Pioniez was established to the rank of maitre and his clientele included the most regarded heads of state and nobility of France. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter P
Artist nationality French