
(active 1492-1507 in Venice)


Italian painter. He was first recorded in 1492 as one of several assistants to Giovanni Bellini in the Doge's Palace in Venice; in an inscription on his earliest known work, a damaged Virgin and Child with Saints and a Donor (1495; Zadar, St Mary, Treasury), he called himself a pupil of Gentile Bellini. Visual confirmation of his close association with both Bellini brothers is provided by the rather large number of his signed and dated works, many of which are closely based on compositional motifs by Giovanni, but which in their linearity and angularity more closely resemble the style of Gentile. The influence of German art, and of Dürer in particular, has often been noted in the sharply focused and densely packed details, the harsh modelling and the expressive ugliness found in much of Marziale's work. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter M
Artist nationality Italian