LIGARI, Pietro

LIGARI, Pietro


(b. 1686, Ardenno, d. 1752, Sondrio)


Italian painter and architect, considered to be the most important 18th-century painter in Valtellina. He was born into a bourgeois family which took its name from the village Ligari where they lived. He was the founder of a family of painters linked to their land of origin but culturally open and active outside Valtellina. His son Caesar (1716-1770) and daughter Vittoria (1713-1783) were also painters. At twelve-years age Pietro Ligari went to Rome where he studied with Lazarus Baldi, a follower of Pietro da Cortona, and absorbed the influences of Baroque painting. After a study tour in Central Italy and Venice, in 1710 he settled in Milan, then in 1727 he moved to Valtellina where most of his works can be found. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter L
Artist nationality Italian