LELIE, Adriaan de

LELIE, Adriaan de


(b. 1755, Tilburg, d. 1820, Amsterdam)


Dutch painter. He was an autodidact, although in his early years he was probably taught by his fellow townsman Cornelis van Spaendonck. Together with Van Spaendonck, De Lelie left in 1773 for Antwerp, where he mainly painted history scenes and portraits. On the advice of friends, in 1783 De Lelie moved to Amsterdam. Here he developed into a popular portrait painter, especially among the enlightened, progressive citizens. Many prominent contemporaries in Dutch cultural life commissioned De Lelie to paint their portrait. His paintings of art galleries with visitors are the precursors of the conversation piece, a genre that became popular in the nineteenth century. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter L
Artist nationality Dutch