
(b. 1737, Paris, d. 1817, Paris)


French sculptor, pupil of Falconet and Louis Vassé. He won the Premier Prix de sculpture in 1758 and entered the École royale des élèves protégés. He went to Rome and stayed there between 1761 and 1768. Returning to Paris he was accepted (agréé) at the Académie with his marble group Oedipus et Phorbas. He became member of the Académie in 1771. Félix Lecomte's effigy of François de Salignac de La Mothe-Fenelon holding a voluminous copy of his Telemaque was included in the very first group of four statues commissioned in 1776 by the comte d'Angiviller for the groundbreaking historical series of the great men of France. It was exhibited at the Salon of 1777. He regularly exhibited at the Salon. In 1783 he presented the marble portrait of the Queen Marie-Antoinette, in 1789 the life-size statue of Charles Rollin. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter L
Artist nationality French