LAPITO, Louis-Auguste

LAPITO, Louis-Auguste


(b. 1803, Joinville-le-Pont, d. 1874, Boulogne-sur-Seine)


French painter. Aged 15, Lapito entered the atelier of Louis-Etienne Watelet (1780-1866), before continuing his training under François-Joseph Heim. Like many of his contemporaries, he had a 'Wanderjahr' in Italy in 1826, after which he became an indefatigable traveller. He visited Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Italy and Corsica, as well as rural France, painting numerous watercolour views and oil sketches on which his larger oil paintings were based. During the 1840's Lapito increasingly allied himself with the naturalistic school of landscape painting, and became a member of the group of classically-trained French nineteenth-century landscape painters, such as Corot, who sought to regenerate historical landscape painting through the attentive study of nature. In 1843 he exhibited with the Maîtres Vivants in Holland and painted landscapes near Fontainebleau, home of the Barbizon School. Lapito was a prolific artist exhibiting regularly at the Paris Salon from 1827 to 1870. He won a first class medal in the Salon of 1835 and his official success was crowned with the award of the Légion d'honneur in 1837. A number of his pictures were acquired by the French State and are now in museums in Menton, Valence, and Villefranche-sur-Saone. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter L
Artist nationality French