LANGREN, Hendrik Floris van

LANGREN, Hendrik Floris van


(c. 1574-1648)


Dutch cartographer, part of a family of cartographers. The name Van Langren is well known in the annals of cartography. Several members of this family were known as globe-makers, cartographers, mathematicians, and astronomers. The founder of the family, Jacobus Florentius van Langren, was a native of Utrecht; later he moved to Amsterdam where he became a "freeman" of the city and where his sons, Arnoldus Florentius van Langren and Henricus Florentius (Hendrik Floris) van Langren, were born. Possibly he was the son of a certain Floris van Langren. Right through the whole family the name Florentius remained in memory of this ancestor. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter L
Artist nationality Dutch