LA PERDRIX, Michel de

LA PERDRIX, Michel de


(active 1641, d. 1681, Paris)


French sculptor during the reign of Louis XIV. He was a pupil at the French Academy of Painting and Sculpture from 1663-1665 but was dismissed for poor behaviour (he was eventually reinstated). His only known works are in the royal residences and were executed between 1674-1680. La Perdrix worked for the Château de Versailles from 1674 to 1679. He is the author of the Melancholic, a statue in marble still visible in the park of the Château de Versailles. He also intervened at the Tuileries, in collaboration with Philippe de Buyster (1595-1688), for the execution of the western pediment of the central pavilion, representing Justice. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter L
Artist nationality French