
(b. 1505, d. 1576, Angers)


Jean Delespine (also Jean de l'Espine), French architect. He was the master builder in the former province of Anjou, where about forty works are attributed to him. He was the student of Jean Mariau, an architect in Angers, to whom he succeeded, in 1535, as Commissaire des oeuvres et réparations de la ville of Angers. Delespine was in charge of important urban developments. He worked under the direction of a succession of mayors, including Jean de Pincé, Pierre Poyet and René Ayrault. His official functions were at the origin of contacts with the Controller General of the Bâtiments de France, Philibert Delorme, a great Renaissance architect. In 1571, Delespine ceased his duties as curator of the city's works. He died in 1576 in his home in Angers. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter D
Artist nationality French