
(active mid 15th century in Tournai and Brussels)


Jean Delemer was a Flemish sculptor. He was paid in 1428 for carving a life-size stone Annunciation group, painted by Robert Campin for St Pierre, Tournai. It is known that other pieces modelled by him were painted by Robert Campin. No other works by the sculptor have survived in Tournai, but a number of later Tournaisian sculptures appear to reflect lost works by Delemer. Burgundian tombs were the fruit of a collaboration between the sculptor Delemer, the painter Rogier van der Weyden and the bronze-founder Jacob de Gerines. The statuettes of 1476 from the tomb of Isabella of Bourbon in the former Abbey of St Michael in Antwerp, which are among the most delicately worked examples of 15th-century bronze sculpture, are based on models by Delemer. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter D
Artist nationality Flemish