
(died 1398)


French architect and sculptor. He was one of the first architects in France at the service of the princes of the royal family to adopt the new style, in the 1380s: the Sainte-Chapelle de Riom and the Maubergeon tower of the Palais de Poitiers. He was the court master mason of Duke Jean de Berry, one of the king's uncles, who had residences in Bourges, Riom, Mehun-sur-Yèvre, and Poitiers, furnished in a princely manner. He entered the service of the Duke de Berry shortly before 1370, and in Poitiers at the end of the 1380s he restored the Early Gothic palace of the duke's forebears, the dukes of Aquitaine. Guy de Dammartin was a pupil of the royal Parisian architect Raymond du Temple (died c. 1405), under whom he had worked at the Louvre. He was the sibling of Drouet de Dammartin, architect and sculptor (died 1415). //

Category Artists
Artists by letter D
Artist nationality French