CASAS Y NÓVOA, Fernando de

CASAS Y NÓVOA, Fernando de


(b. 1691, Santiago de Compostela, d. 1749, Santiago de Compostela)


Spanish architect. He was the chief representative of Baroque architecture in Galicia. In 1711 he succeeded his teacher, Fray Gabriel de Casas, head of the works of the cloister of the cathedral of Lugo, completed in 1714. In this work and in the convent of the Capuchins in La Coruña and the church of the convent de Belvis in Santiago de Compostela classical solutions were adopted, inspired by the architecture of the sixteenth century. From 1725, his style evolved into the purest Baroque in his masterpieces: the Chapel of Nuestra Señora de los Ojos Grandes (Our Lady of the Big Eye) in the cathedral of Lugo, and, above all, the façade of Obradoiro, of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter C
Artist nationality Spanish