
(b. 1619, Veurne, d. 1677, Veurne)


Victor (or Vigor) Boucquet, Flemish painter. He painted religious and history paintings and was also esteemed as a portrait painter. He probably visited Italy. Boucquet's works are distributed in different churches of the towns in Flanders. They are well composed, and, like those of most of the artists of his country, are well coloured. In the great church of Nieuport are two altar-pieces by this master, one of which, representing The Death of St. Francis, is particularly admired; and in the town-house there is a large picture by him, considered as his principal work, representing The Judgment of Cambyses. The principal altar-piece in the church at Ostend is by Boucquet: it represents the Deposition from the Cross. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter B
Artist nationality Flemish