
(b. ca. 1552, Milano, d. 1622, Roma)


Ambrogio, Bonvicino (also Buonvicino), Italian sculptor and stuccoist. From Milan, where he belonged to the circle of Lombard and Ticino sculptors with naturalistic indecencies, In 1581, he moved to Rome working mainly under the papacy of Sixtus V and Paul V in late Mannerist style. He received his most important commissions in the time of Pope Paul V: the bas-relief above the main door of St. Peter's Basilica depicting the Delivery of the Keys to Peter and two reliefs with stories of Clement VIII and Paul V and statue of St Joseph in the Cappella Paolina, Santa Maria Maggiore. His other works in Rome were the monument to Urban VII and statue of St John the Baptist (Santa Maria sopra Minerva); statue of St John the Evangelist (Barberini Chapel, Sant'Andrea della Valle; stucco angels (Madonna dei Monti). //

Category Artists
Artists by letter B
Artist nationality Italian