BOISSEAU, Émile-André

BOISSEAU, Émile-André


(b. 1842, Varzy, d. 1923, Paris)


French sculptor. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, under Augustin-Alexandre Dumont and Jean-Marie Bonnassieux. He is the author of many works of academic character and well known for his graceful groups of women and children. His most celebrated group was his Le Crépuscule (The Dusk), which shows a winged personification of Dusk sheltering two sleeping putti. It was exhibited at the Salon in 1870 and won the prestigious gold medal, before being purchased for the Élysée Palace. His other works include the statue of Pierre Beaumarchais on the façade of the Paris City Hall. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter B
Artist nationality French