
(b. ca. 1500, Lorraine, d. 1549, Elvillar)


Netherlandish sculptor and architect. He first established his reputation in Flanders, where he worked for the Governor of Spanish Netherlands, Margaret of Austria (1480-1530), and executed the important chimney in Bruges celebrating the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. As an architect, he built for Margaret of Austria her home, the Savoy Court in Mechelen. In 1533 he emigrated to Spain, where he was responsible for the high altar for the church of Santiago in Bilbao and for the retable from the church of Nuestra Senora at Elvillar de Alava. The artist's brother, Jean de Beaugrant worked closely with his brother and the two are thought to have headed their own itinerant workshops. Due to a lack of documentary evidence, relatively few works are firmly attributed to them, despite the fact that they were clearly very successful in their lifetimes. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter B
Artist nationality Flemish