ANGEL, Pedro

ANGEL, Pedro


(active 1583-1617 in Toledo)


Spanish engraver and etcher. Although he lived in Oropesa until 1598, completing woodcuts for Alonso Villegas's Flos sanctorum ... (Madrid, 1588), Angel had already established contacts in Toledo. There he joined the Cofradía del Santísimo Sacramento in 1590 and finally settled in the city in 1598. In Toledo he gained a reputation among the humanist circles; in addition to Villegas, such writers as Juan de Narbona and Jerónimo Ceballos commissioned engraved portraits to accompany their books. The accomplished strength and presence he achieved is evident in such works as the oval portrait of Cardinal Tavera, which appeared in Pedro Salazar de Mendoza's Chronica del Cardenal Juan de Tavera (Toledo, 1603). Angel's last known engraving is dated 1617. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter A
Artist nationality Spanish