ALBERTI, Antonio

ALBERTI, Antonio


(b. ca. 1390, Ferrara, d. ca. 1442, Urbino)


Italian painter, active in Ferrara, Bologna, and Urbino. He married a woman from Urbino in 1423, and settled there permanently in 1424. He painted portraits and sacred subjects. For the sacristy of the church of San Bernardino, outside Urbino, he painted a Madonna and Child enthroned (1439). He painted frescoes in the Bolognini chapel at San Petronio Basilica in Bologna, consisting of incidents from the Passion, Paradise, and Inferno. He painted frescoes of the Virgin and child between saints Benedict and Sebastian (1433) for the inner choir of Sant'Antonio Abate in Ferrara. He worked in the Oratory of San Giovanni Battista, Urbino, either as an assistant in the Salimbeni workshop, or independently. //

Category Artists
Artists by letter A
Artist nationality Italian