Art Catalog

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Database contains 5.442 artists with biography, and related 49.567 works with images.

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THIENEN, Renier van

THIENEN, Renier van


Artists by letter T
Artist nationality Flemish


(active 1465-1498 in Brussels)


Flemish sculptor, part of a family of sculptors. His first recorded commission was for a bronze lectern in the form of a pelican for the church of St James, Coudenbourg, in Brussels in 1465. The lost work probably resembled the bronze lectern sometimes attributed to van Thienen in the church of St Germain, Tirlemont. In 1468 van Thienen provided copper buttons for the coach of the Duchess of Burgundy, and three years later he delivered six bronze candlesticks (destroyed) for the Chambre de Comptes of Brussels. He was a respected Brussels citizen and held several civic offices in 1477-91. In 1479-83 van Thienen was working on a copper balustrade, the first of several works (all now lost) for the church of St Leonard, Zoutleeuw. In 1481-82 he was commissioned to make bronze lighting equipment for the chapel of St Leonard's which was to resemble that in Ste Gudule, Brussels, for which he was presumably also responsible. A small statue of St Leonard from one of the candlesticks survives in a private collection. //

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