Art Catalog

Art Catalog is a representational website, which wants to demonstrate the functions of vvortex catalog manager.

Database contains 5.442 artists with biography, and related 49.567 works with images.

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HAU, Edward Petrovich

HAU, Edward Petrovich


Artists by letter H
Artist nationality Russian


(b. 1807, Revel, d. 1887, Moscow)


Russian painter, born in Revel (today Tallinn, Estonia). In 1830-32 he studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden. He specialised in watercolour, and in 1854 he became academician of watercolour painting. The artist executed watercolours of the interiors of the most famous buildings in Moscow (the Grand Kremlin Palace), St. Petersburg (the Winter Palace and the Hermitage) and Gatchina (the Great Palace). //

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