Art Catalog

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Database contains 5.442 artists with biography, and related 49.567 works with images.

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COSTA LIMA, Joaquim da

COSTA LIMA, Joaquim da


Artists by letter C
Artist nationality Portuguese


(b. 1806, Porto, d. 1864, Porto)


Portuguese architect and urban planner. He was the nephew and godson of Joaquim da Costa Lima Sampaio, architect of Oporto between 1822 and 1837 (the year of his death). He joined the Academia Portuense de Belas Artes in 1838, he was acting secretary in 1842 and director in 1853. Like the uncle and godfather, with whom he worked at the beginning of his professional life, Costa Lima was also appointed architect of the Public Works division of the Câmara do Porto, in 1853. In about 1840 he made the first plan of the Palácio da Bolsa (Stock Exchange Palace) in Neo-Palladian style, the construction followed until 1860. He was the author of the topographic plan of the City of Porto (1839). //

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